Can Dog Eat Sweet Potatoes?

Unsurprisingly, Sweet Potatoes are regarded as healthy foods that are beneficial for you, but are they good for your pup too?

There are different opinions that people give regarding sweet potatoes for dogs. 

Some people say that it contains immense benefits for your dog, while others list all the dog’s issues once fed with these sweet treats.

But as a whole, they are beneficial for your pooch. The nutrients in them are of immense benefit for your dog.

Benefits of Feeding your dog Sweet Potatoes

Below are listed some of the dietary benefits your dog gets from sweet potato. They have changed the mind of all those people who regarded this diet as harmful for your dog.

Rich In Nutrients

Sweet Potatoes contain tons of nutrients that your puppy may use for its growth and development. Not just are they good in taste they give your pet a diet enriched with nutrients. These are some of the nutrients it contains.

Vitamin A

Just like carrots, sweet potatoes contain Beta-carotene that aids good vision. It also aids with the reproduction process and cell production in your dog’s body. Those dogs that are not carrot lovers can have sweet potatoes for equal benefit.

Vitamin B6

Dogs that need constant glucose imbalance should have it as it aids in glucose production. Secondly, it helps with boosting the immune system and aids cell production.

Vitamin C

It is a great source of vitamin C in dogs that help to boost their immune system and fight against diseases caused by radiation or environmental changes.

It boosts the immune system and helps them get over any illness they are facing. Moreover, it also avoids cognitive aging issues in senior-aged dogs.


Calcium in sweet potatoes helps your puppy to gain skeletal strength. It’s a source for your dog to have strong teeth’s bones, and a good nervous system. Your dog not only stays active, but it also helps it to develop strong bones and physical strength.


Potassium is known to be a miracle worker for organs like the Heart, Kidney, and Brain. It helps these organs work properly and more efficiently. In addition to that, if your do faces any digestive issues, sweet potato is the quickest solution.


Not only in humans but also animals, too iron has a major role to play. It helps to regulate good blood supply throughout the body, being a source of Hemoglobin. 

Iron is also regarded as Energy Booster.

All these necessities in one diet aren’t that great.


Sweet Potatoes are one of the safest diets that you can give your dog. It is free from ingredients that are dogs are most likely to be allergic to. This is the reason why you can feed your dog with sweet potatoes without any concern or doubt.

Quantity Matters

Excess of anything is Bad! Despite all the benefits listed above, you need to stay careful with the quantity you feed.

As sweet potatoes are sweet, they may harm your dog’s dental health if fed in excess amounts.

Being rich in carbohydrates should never get dominated by other nutrients—discuss veterinarians before making changes to your dog’s diet. 

Ask for prescribing the right amount keeping in mind size, weight, and of course, the dog’s age.

Feed Them the Right Way

Feeding your dog with sweet potatoes the right ways boost its benefits and reduce its even slight harm.

Wash Properly

Wash the sweet potatoes to wash away all the sprayed pesticides on them. Rub the vegetable with your hands while washing to take away all the dust and chemicals.

Boiling is also an option that works best.

Take Off the Skin

Never feed your dog with raw sweet potato. Firstly, it’s hard to chew that way. Secondly, it can harm a dog’s digestive system by blocking the intestines.

Some dogs have a habit of directly swallowing the food without chewing properly. So, make sure it is boiled and cooked enough to avoid choking.

Prepare Them Nicely

There are several ways to feed your dog with sweet potatoes. Making a vegetable more appetizing is an art.

Below are some of the dishes you can cook with sweet potatoes for your pup.

Boil and Serve

The easiest way to serve sweet potatoes is what we call “Boil and Serve.”


Sweet Potatoes


  • Wash the sweet potatoes until they are clean
  • Peel of the skin to make them easy to digest 
  • Boil the water on a medium-high flame
  • Put in the Sweet Potatoes when the water starts to bubble
  • Take them out Once they are nice and soft 
  • Let it cool 
  • Chop in small chunks and Serve

Sweet Potato Crisps


Sweet Potatoes


  • Preheat your oven at 250˚
  • Cut sweet potatoes in round shapes
  • Slice thin strips to make it crispy
  • Place them on a plate with a thin sheet of foil on it
  • Bake for an hour
  • Turn over side
  • Bake for another hour
  • Let’s it Cool and Server

Sweet Potatoes Chewy Strips


Sweet Potatoes


  • Wash the sweet potatoes and peel off the skin
  • Cut the sweet potatoes into strips
  • Please place them in water for an hour
  • Spray some olive oil on it to boost its nutritionist value
  • Place in dehydrator at 144˚-155˚ for 6-8 hours
  • Store in Air Tight Container

Frequent Concerns of People 

Do Sweet Potatoes make dog poop?

Sweet potatoes are enriched fiber; they help treat constipated dogs or those who pass loose stools.

So, it is regarded as a beneficial diet for a dog to keep balancing intestinal health.

Are Sweet Potatoes Harmful?

Sweet potatoes are completely safe to feed your puppy unless there are below cases:

  • Your dog is allergic to sweet potatoes
  • Sweet Potatoes are fed raw
  • They are not washed properly
  • If you feed them sweet potatoes along with their skin.

Can we replace potatoes with sweet potatoes?

Sweet potatoes are generally considered healthier than potatoes; the high amount of starch is not so good for dogs, whereas dogs aren’t the case.

Are Canned Sweet Potatoes Safe?

Generally, canned sweet potatoes contain added chemicals and preservatives that may be harmful to your pooch, despite those fresh sweet potatoes are more beneficial. 


As a whole, the answer to the question can dog eat sweet potatoes is yes. We can conclude that sweet potatoes are completely safe to feed your puppy unless you take precautions and advise of the quantity before feeding them.

They stay light on your pup’s stomach yet give a lot of benefits to them. So be careful and hygienic, and you are good to go.

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