Coconut Oil for Dogs Skin Allergies

Coconut oil for dogs skin allergies

What Is Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil has been gaining in popularity as a hair and skin care product for people over the last number of years. But it isn’t just a beauty product. It’s also used for cooking and as a biofuel. Besides this, it is proven that coconut oil for dogs skin allergies is very effective.

It’s made from the flesh of the coconut, and there are a few different methods of extraction. This is why there are a few different types of coconut oil, including unrefined, and refined coconut oil. It has a high melting point (76 degrees Fahrenheit), so when it’s at room temperature, it’s a solid rather than liquid oil.

Is Coconut Oil OK For Dogs?

The very short answer is yes, it’s perfectly safe for dogs to have coconut oil.

The longer answer is that it actually has a number of benefits that can help your dog. Many veterinarians are now recommending coconut oil for dogs with low energy, skin issues, problems with their fur, and digestion ailments. There’s also some research that suggests it may improve cognitive function, which means that it could be extremely helpful for senior dogs as well.

Coconut oil is made up of fatty acids, and most of the acids are Medium-Chain Triglycerides or MCTs. MCTs are sometimes known as miracle fatty acids because they’re different from most fatty acids because they are turned into energy almost immediately.

One of the most important acids in the MCTs in coconut oil is Lauric Acid. Lauric acid is also present in mother’s milk. It’s extremely high in nutrients and anti-bacterial properties. It’s one of the factors in building a strong immune system.

What are Coconut Oil for Allergies?

Numerous varieties of allergies in dogs may be successfully treated using essential oils, which are produced from a variety of plants. It is very important to realize that before starting any kind of essential oil regimen for your dog, you should always call your veterinarian for a thorough inspection.

Coconut oil is a well known that coconut oil has therapeutic qualities. It may be perfect for your dog if he has mobility challenges brought on by joint or bone health concerns, is obese, needs to repair wounds, needs to gain more energy. Coconut oil is quickly absorbed, which helps your dog’s body absorb vital vitamins and minerals and improves digestive health.

Additionally, this oil can shield your dog against any allergies, including inhalant allergies, seasonal allergies. and even food allergies. A lot of people utilise as part of their diets or on their skin since it is beneficial for humans in addition to dogs.

Dogs with skin problems and allergies might benefit greatly from using coconut oil. This kind of essential oil is suggested by several vets, including holistic veterinarians, to help treat a variety of skin conditions.

Symptoms of Coconut Oil for Allergies in Dogs

There are several symptoms of particular illnesses that coconut oil might help. The following symptoms might occur:

  • Digestive issues
  • Bone health difficulties
  • Skin infections
  • Obesity
  • Ageing and mobility
  • Thick and stiff toenails
  • Dry coat
  • Wounds
  • Low energy
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Infestations of ticks and fleas


Over 90% of the lipids in coconut oil are saturated. The following saturated fats are included in coconut oil:

  • Monounsaturated fatty acids
  • Fatty acids that are polyunsaturated
  • Triglycerides with a medium chain
  • Caprylic acid
  • Lauric acid
  • Capric acid
  • Oleic acid
  • Myristic acid
  • Palmitic acid
  • linoleic acid

Causes of Coconut Oil for Allergies in Dogs

The causes of coconut oil for a number of ailments begin with the application of the oil to the dog’s skin or inside his diet.

  • Benefits from medium chain triglycerides
  • Antibacterial qualities
  • Antiviral properties
  • Antifungal effects
  • Is metabolised quickly inside the body
  • Enhances athletic ability
  • Aids in weight reduction
  • Balances the thyroid gland

Diagnosis of Coconut Oil for Allergies in Dogs

Coconut oil is effective for many different diagnoses of a range of conditions; however, before taking coconut oil, you should take your dog to the veterinarian for any diagnostic. If you put coconut oil on your dog’s skin, you may be disguising a greater issue. Before you begin, you should have your dog inspected by a veterinarian.

The vet might do some lab tests to check your dog’s health. These tests could include a blood test to count white blood cells and check for eosinophils (which are a type of white blood cell), a biochemistry profile, and a skin test to identify any allergies. The vet may also conduct other tests based on your dog’s symptoms.

He may also search for flea and tick infestations, dust mites, yeast infections, or fungal illnesses. Whatever your veterinarian discovers, he will establish a diagnosis of the precise ailment your dog is experiencing, and we will let you know if you may use coconut oil as a therapy strategy.

Treatment of Coconut Oil for Dogs Skin Allergies

Coconut oil may help heal a range of diseases, and after a thorough inspection of your dog, your veterinarian may inform you that coconut oil may be useful as an assist in the treatment of any problem he may have. Other drugs may be required to treat your dog, however some coconut oil treatments may include:


Using coconut oil on your dog’s skin and fur every day helps alleviate a variety of skin irritations while also leaving your dog’s coat lustrous and healthy. Follow your veterinarian’s suggestions for how much to apply and how frequently to apply it.


For other ailments, like as gastrointestinal problems or bone health, your veterinarian may advise you to include coconut oil in his diet. Your doctor will explain the benefits of this super food and how much to include in his diet. He will also advise you on how frequently to feed your dog coconut oil.

How To Apply Coconut Oil for Dogs Skin Allergies?

The simplest way to apply coconut oil is to massage it into the area. You can rub it in your hands to soften it, and then massage it into the skin. Some owners prefer to leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes, and lightly rinse it off. If there’s still oil on the hair, you can shampoo your dog using a gentle shampoo to get the excess oil off. Other owners leave the oil on without rinsing. Some owners also use coconut oil as a skin barrier against fleas, ticks, and other insect pests.

Coconut oil is not a fast-drying oil, so if you are going to leave it on, you should blot the excess off with a towel. This will make sure it doesn’t end up on your furniture, clothes or bed.

Recovery of Coconut Oil for Allergies in Dogs

When using coconut oil on your dog or incorporating it into their diet, it’s important to practice moderation. Giving your dog too much coconut oil, or any essential oil, can have negative effects. Just like with medication, proper dosage is crucial.

Coconut oil offers numerous benefits as a saturated and healthy fat, not only for your dog but also for yourself. Regular and consistent use of this superfood can greatly improve your dog’s ailments. However, it’s vital to consult with your veterinarian about the amount of coconut oil you should give to your dog. Follow their advice regarding dosage and any other recommendations they provide.

If you’re considering coconut oil for your pet, it’s worth noting that many pet insurance companies offer wellness add-ons that cover the cost of natural supplements and preventative care. Take the time to explore different pet insurance options to find the perfect one for your furry companion.

Benefits of Coconut Oil For Dogs Skin Allergies

Coconut oil helps treat skin conditions like allergic reactions, eczema, dermatitis, and irritations. However, it will also improve skin health in general. As it also has antiviral, and antibacterial properties, it can help to disinfect any cuts and scratches on your dog’s skin and promote healing.

If it’s applied topically, it can ease skin irritations, and soothe cracked paws. It is also useful in treating and preventing fungal infections, and yeast infections, such as candida.

Healthy Coat

As coconut oil is full of vitamins, it can also increase the health and shine of your dog’s coat. It can be given as a supplement or added to your dog’s regular shampoo. The Lauric acid also has properties that allow it to penetrate the strands of hair more easily, and this allows the other nutrients to get into the hair as well.

It also moisturizes the skin, which can reduce dry skin and dandruff. This can also help reduce the ‘dog smell’, which can be unpleasant.

Endocrine Health

Coconut oil can give a number of endocrinological and metabolic benefits as well. It can help to keep your dog’s insulin levels balanced, which can help prevent diabetes, or control it if your dog is diabetic. It can also help to promote normal thyroid function.


Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties and can help in building strong bones and muscles. These anti-inflammatory properties can be very beneficial in easing the discomfort caused by arthritis, joint pains, and other musculoskeletal conditions.

Odor Reduction

As already mentioned, coconut oil can reduce the dog smell by treating the skin conditions that can increase the smells. However, it can also be used to treat bad breath. Some dog parents give their pets a little coconut oil to freshen their breath and clean their teeth.

Insect Stings

Stinging and biting insects often have no preference for where their victims come from. Some will bite or sting humans, and canines without any distinction between them. The anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, and soothing properties of coconut oil can help ease the pain and discomfort.


Moisturize Your Dog’s Skin

Healthy and hydrated skin is crucial to maintain, both in humans and dogs, to keep bacteria away from the body because it acts as a strong barrier. Several studies with humans and animals demonstrated how applying some coconut oil to the skin will keep it better hydrated, ultimately making it not only look healthier and shinier but also maintain its barrier strength.

One study, in particular, found significant improvements in skin hydration when applying coconut oil, and it was just as effective as some other well-known treatments.

Another study found how coconut oil used for dogs’ itchy skin fights the negative effects of eczema. Eczema is a skin condition that may cause itchiness, rashes, and scaly skin in dogs.

Applied coconut oil reduced all these factors, made the skin less dry, and effectively treated eczema.

Kills Bacteria Present on a Dog’s Skin

Speaking of keeping the skin healthy to fight off bacteria, coconut oil not only helps with that but also keeps dangerous microorganisms away from the skin due to its antimicrobial properties, some of which could cause a number of different skin conditions.

The main protector in coconut oil is lauric acid, and there are approximately 50% of it in coconut oil.

Studies found that lauric acid is the most effective fatty acid at blocking and fighting different harmful bacteria, many of which cause different skin problems. To a lesser extent, capric acid found in coconut oil is another effective fighting agent, and researchers found that it’s great not only for fighting a variety of bacteria strains but also for preventing fungi growth .

Repel Parasites

Studies found that fatty acids in coconut oil provided protection against several parasites for up to 7 days.

For brown dog ticks, in particular, coconut oil had repellency from 84% and up to 88%.

In addition to that, coconut oil was found to be an effective repellent against stable flies and other blood-sucking insects such as horn flies, bed bugs, and lone star ticks 

Acne and Scabs

Due to the way coconut oil components are able to reduce inflammation on the skin thanks to their anti-bacterial properties.

The result is a reduction in the chance of developing several skin conditions like eczema, crusty scabs, atopic dermatitis, acne, and others.

Most of this is again due to the lauric acid content in coconut oil.

Furthermore, studies show how a combination of lauric acid and capric acid, both of which are present in abundance in coconut oil, is extremely effective at killing the specific bacteria that cause skin health problems and is even more effective than benzoyl peroxide.

Heal Your Dog’s Skin Wounds

For a dog that has a wound on its skin, applying coconut oil will help the healing process as well as prevent further inflammation and infections, according to several animal studies.

One study, in particular, observed how components of coconut oil improve the status of antioxidants and increase collagen levels (both of which are crucial to the healing of wounds) and, thereby, effectively speed up the whole wound healing process.

The anti-microbial properties of coconut oil will also prevent the development of infections and inflammation and reduce the risk of complicated healing processes.

Coconut oil is even good at treating and healing wounds from burns, particularly when it’s combined with an antibiotic.

Reduces Skin Inflammation

A number of dog skin conditions are the result of inflammation, and coconut oil was found to have anti-inflammatory properties and even help with relieving pain associated with some skin conditions.

In another study of different oils (coconut, sunflower, olive oil), scientists found that only coconut oil was effective at improving levels of antioxidants and preventing oxidative stress, which then eased inflammation.

Finally, coconut oil was also shown to fight skin fungi like candida, prevent hair damage and help protect the skin from UV rays by up to 20%.