Everything You Need to Know About Primal Raw Dog Food

Most of us can’t even imagine our lives without our four-legged best friends. The reason for this is the immense love and affection we have for our dogs. This love also makes us keep wondering about how we can make our dogs even happier. The easiest way to do that is by giving them good quality dog food. 

But unfortunately, it’s not easy to find good quality dog food, and that’s why we are here. We want to tell our readers all about Primal Raw dog food as it’s one of the best raw dog food you can feed your dog.

Hold your horses, and let us explain a bit.

We know what you are thinking right now, “Raw food? Isn’t supposed to be harmful and full of harmful bacteria?”

All of your concerns about feeding raw food to your pooch are completely valid and reasonable. After all, raw food of any kind and especially one based on meat, can be a hotbed for a wide range of harmful and disease-causing bacteria. But what do you think about raw meat that is skillfully treated and made free from any kind of dangerous pathogens?

Yes, you can safely make raw food free from any disease-causing pathogens by treating the ingredients, and therefore there is no need to start getting worried just because we mentioned raw food and dogs together. In fact, there are a plethora of health benefits of feeding raw food to dogs. Some of these benefits are mentioned below.

Stronger immune system

The immune system is the body’s natural defense system against all kinds of disease-causing agents. A weak immune system can result in your dog falling ill continuously, and therefore dog owners should do everything to keep their dog’s immune system in tiptop condition. The best way to keep your dog’s immune system as strong as possible is by providing dogs with a well-balanced and nutritious diet. Different essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, etc., are required to keep the immune system at its optimal state, and therefore providing dogs with a nutrient-dense diet should be the foremost priority for dog owners. There are many ways to make a balanced and nutrient-rich diet for dogs, but the most effective and efficient way to do that is by using natural and raw meat, veggies, and fruits in the diet. 

Meat is the core ingredient of any good quality dog food, and the reason for that is extremely straightforward. Dogs require an ample amount of protein for their well-being and to maintain their essential bodily functions. Meat is also an important source of many essential vitamins and minerals for dogs, and therefore any dog food that claims to be healthy must-have protein sourced from premium quality meat. Even still, no matter how good your dog food is quality-wise, it still can’t compete against the nutritional value of raw dog food. The resound for that is the simple fact that most generic dog foods are highly processed, due to which they lose the significant size of their nutritional factor during all these processing. Only raw dog food can guarantee optimal nutritional factors to dogs since it is the least processed type of dog food available in the market. Compared to processed dog foods, these additional nutritional values help make the immune system of dogs much stronger and more robust against all kinds of pathogens. 

And hence, this is how raw dog food results in dogs having stronger immune systems. 

Sturdier bones and joints

Another benefit of feeding raw food to dogs that can help us answer the age-old question of “Is raw food safe for dogs?” is that raw food can promote optimal growth and maintenance of bones and joints in dogs. This results in dogs having sturdier and healthier bones and joints. Many factors contribute to the life-giving nature of raw food when it comes to bones. Raw dog food carries broken and sometimes powdered bones, and in this way, raw food acts as a reservoir of calcium which is essential for the upkeep and growth of dogs. This is why various researches on dogs have shown a direct correlation between raw food intake carrying bone fragments in it and strong bones and joints. These bone fragments also provide dogs with phosphorus, glucosamine, collagen, marrow, and chondroitin, which further aid in making bones and joints as robust and healthy as possible. 

Better skin and improved coat quality

Raw dog food also contains nutrients that are directly needed to improve the coat quality and make the skin healthier and softer. Chief among these nutrients is Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are observed to be able to make the coat far more shiny and smooth. It also helps in hair production, which is probably why it has such remarkable effects on the coat quality of dogs. Omega-3 fatty acids also boost the skin health in dogs, and therefore we suggest dog owners always make sure that their dogs are getting the required amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. And the best way to do that is by feeding raw food to dogs. 

Improved Dental Health

Like bones, teeth also require calcium, phosphorus, glucosamine, collagen, marrow, and chondroitin for their well-being. And the best way to provide dogs with ample amounts of these important nutrients is by feeding them raw dog food. Ensuring excellent dental health in dogs is extremely important for dogs as they simply can’t consume their meals without teeth. This can leave them unable to acquire the required nutrition from their food, and therefore dog owners should make extra efforts in keeping their dog’s dental health at its optimal level. As mentioned above, feeding raw food to dogs is the best way to do that is by feeding raw food to dogs. Another great thing about feeding dogs raw food with bones in it is that these bones also act as natural toothbrushes and help in removing any residual plaque. This also shows that questions like “Is raw food safe for dogs?” can easily be answered as huge affirmatives. 

Reduced stool volume and odor

Another great thing about feeding raw food to dogs is that dogs can easily digest raw foods. This is because a dog’s digestive system is built to handle raw foods, and therefore it works best when dogs are fed a diet composed of raw ingredients. In this way, dogs can absorb most of the nutrients, protein, and fats present in raw dog food, resulting in reduced stool volume. Reduced stool volume means that dogs don’t have to attend nature’s call every other hour. This also saved dog owners from the hassle of taking dogs to poop or cleaning their litter boxes(if they use them) every day. Natural raw dog food is also free from any fillers meaning that they don’t carry any carbohydrates in the form of potatoes or soy. 

Raw dog foods also result in less smelly stool since raw dog foods are easily digested and absorbed by canine bodies. 

Enhanced reproductive health

A direct correlation has been observed between intake of raw food and enhanced reproductive health in dogs. The reason for this is the fact that raw dog food packs all the required nutrients that dogs need to maintain all their bodily functions in the best way possible. This also includes the reproductive system of dogs, and that’s why the intake of raw food results in improved reproductive health in dogs. Raw food is also closer to nature, and therefore raw food links dogs with their innate nature, which makes them much happier and more satisfied. This contributes to the healthy and adequate production of hormones in dogs that are necessary for ensuring well-functioning endocrine and reproductive systems. 

Reduced body odor

Feeding raw food to dogs also comes with the added benefit of reducing body odor. So if you are worried about your dog’s body odor, then we recommend you switch to feeding him raw dog food immediately. The reasons why raw dog food results in reduced body odor are not clearly understood, and there are many theories that try to explain why that’s the case. It is widely believed that raw food is far easier for dogs to digest, which might contribute to reduced body odor in dogs. Raw dog food is also free from any chemical agents, and this diminishes the chances of your dog suffering from any side effects of those chemical agents. This lack of harmful chemical agents in raw dog food may also reduce body odor in dogs. 

Beware, Raw food can also be harmful. 

Now that we have told you about all the benefits of feeding raw dog food to dogs, it’s time that we discuss the elephant in the room. We know that all of you have a pre-conceived notion that raw dog food can be an optimal breeding ground for bacteria and can therefore make dogs seriously ill. We have to say that there is merit to this notion as untreated meat can be dangerous for the well-being of our dogs. Following are some reasons that make raw dog food potentially harmful for our pooches. 

Bacterial infestation

Raw dog food is mainly composed of raw meat, whether it be chicken, beef, lamb, or even fish. But as most of us must know, raw meat has a very short shelf life, and therefore raw meat is extremely susceptible to becoming spoiled and can go bad very easily. This is the reason why most vets and dog experts advise dog owners against the use of raw dog food. Spoiled meat can be home to various harmful bacterias such as Salmonella and Listeria. 

Following is a brief note about Salmonella and Listeria present in spoiled meats and all the diseases that are caused by strains of these bacterias.


There are tons of food- poisoning cases reported annually in the states that account for dogs suffering from salmonella contamination. Salmonella can cause fatal infections in dogs, and due to that, dog owners should be extra cautious when it comes to making sure that their dogs are safe from salmonella. Unfortunately, salmonella can survive in dog intestines for long periods without causing any symptoms of salmonellosis. This makes pre-identifying the presence of salmonella bacterium in a dog’s system much harder. Therefore we recommend our readers take their dogs for a basic medical checkup at least bi-monthly.  

Following are some symptoms of salmonellosis in dogs that owners should be aware of.

  • Fever
  • Stomach Pain
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea, which can be bloody
  • Lethargy or fatigue
  • Refusal to eat anything

Listeria Monocytogenes

Compared to Salmonellosis, Listeriosis is a less known disease caused by bacterial infestation present on meat. In this case, the bacterium responsible for causing the infection is known as Listeria Monocytogenes. Despite its low notoriety compared to Salmonellosis, Listeriosis is the leading cause of dogs hospitalized in food poisoning-related cases. Listeria Monocytogenes is also quite hard to tackle as it can survive in acidic, salty, and even freezing environments to some extent. This makes eradicating Listeria Monocytogenes from raw dog food especially hard when compared to salmonella. 

Common victims of Listeria Monocytogenes are puppies, pregnant dogs, elderly dogs, and dogs that have compromised immune systems. This bacterium can affect all kinds of tissues, ranging from brain tissues, the spinal cord, blood tissues, and even tissues of the gastrointestinal system. That is what makes Listeria Monocytogenes so dangerous for the well-being of dogs. 

Large bone Fragments present in raw dog food

Raw dog food is always full of bone fragments that are added to serve as calcium supplements. Bones are an excellent source of calcium, and therefore most raw dog food manufacturers add raw bones to them. But these bones can also harm dogs and can cause severe wounds in the gastrointestinal tract or oral cavities. Therefore owners should be cautious about it and should only choose raw dog food brands that make sure to break bone fragments into tiny pieces so that dogs don’t end up getting hurt by them. 


So, in a nutshell, as you can see, there are tons of benefits of feeding raw food to dogs. That’s why we recommend dog owners try feeding their canine best friend raw food at least once. But it doesn’t mean that the answer to the question “is raw food safe for dogs?” is always a yes. Contrary to that, there are actually a lot of harms associated with feeding raw dog food to dogs. Raw dog food can expose dogs to severe bacterial infections, which can make dogs very ill. Therefore we recommend dog owners only choose brands that are quality-driven and have an exceptional track record. Otherwise, raw dog food can actually deliver more harm than benefit to dogs. 

Worried about which brand to choose? Try Primal Raw dog food. 

It must be clear to all of our readers by now that the answer to “Is raw food safe for dogs can only be answered as a yes under certain conditions. These conditions include the free and abundant ability of all the essential nutrients in the food being considered. Any raw dog food brand that claims to be safe and healthy for dogs must also ensure that their food, especially its meat portion, is properly treated and made free from any bacterial infestations. Last but certainly not least, the raw dog food must also be free from any sharp bone fragments that might end up harming our canine friends. 

All these conditions make manufacturing quality raw dog food particularly hard. That’s why most brands and manufacturers try to cut corners to save effort and money. They either opt to use low-quality and ill-treated meat in their product or avoid adding other important ingredients to supplement the nutritional composition of the meat. All this makes figuring out which raw dog food to choose very hard for most dog owners. That’s why we are here to help our valued readers by recommending them Primal Raw dog food. Why Primal Raw dog food, you ask? Well, to put it simply, it is the best raw dog food brand in our expert opinion. 

Origins of Primal Raw dog food?

The story of Primal pet foods or Primal Raw dog foods started in 2000 when the founder of this amazing brand, i.e., Mat Koss, found out the sad news that his dog Luna was suffering from early stages of Renal Failure. After trying all the possible medical treatments and consulting with at least ten different veterinarians, Mat was starting to lose hope. Luna was extremely close to Matt and his family, and therefore just the thought of losing their loved companion and family member shook all of them. Fortunately, Matt came to meet a holistic vet that advised Matt to feed Luna a diet based solely on raw meat and bones. This kind of diet is also known as Biologically Appropriate Raw Food or BARF. At first, Matt had no high hopes, but soon Luna started to recover from her ailment and started getting much better every passing day. This was when Matt realized the benefits of BARF and decided to share this miracle with the rest of the world by establishing Primal Pet foods, the chief product of which is Primal raw dog food.  

Company Values

Now that you are aware of the origin story of Primal Raw dog food, it’s time to talk about the company values of Primal Pet foods since the company values of any brand can tell you a lot about the company, its driving principles, and core competencies. 

Produced in Sunny California

California is definitely one of the most stunning and important states of the union. California has given the world ton of amazing things, and Primal Petfoods is surely one of them. Based in Fairfield, Primal pet foods has been producing amazing raw and freeze-dried pet foods since 2001. Primal Raw dog food, the star of this article, is also one of the many amazing products produced by Primal pet foods in their manufacturing plant at Fairfield. In this way, Primal pet foods have been supporting the local community by being a constant source of employment for more than 21 years. 

Focused on Equality

In today’s multi-polar world, equality of all individuals has become a very important topic, and Primal Pet foods completely adhere to the ideology that everyone is equal and should be treated equally. Folks at Primal pet food are huge supporters of equality, and therefore they have naturally created an environment that encourages equality amongst all the employees irrespective of their race, gender, sex, ethnicity, religion, or socio-economic standing. This is why Primal Pet food is proud of its diverse employee base.  

Ethically sourced ingredients

Sourcing ingredients for any food is highly important. All of us must make sure to source our meats from vendors that strive to raise the animals as humanely as possible. We should also make sure to source our plant-based ingredients from farmers and producers that rely solely on regenerative methods to grow their produce. Primal Pet foods is a huge supporter of ethically sourcing ingredients, and therefore it has established long-term contracts with vendors that value ethics our profit. Therefore you can safely use primal raw dog food without worrying about the origin of its ingredients. 

All this goes to show that Primal raw dog food is an amazing product produced by equally amazing folks. This makes Primal raw dog food ideal for our four-legged best friends.  

Attention to quality and safety

Still not sold on the idea of shifting to Primal Raw dog food? Let us tell you some more amazing stuff about Primal raw dog food then.

A great thing about this brand is that it’s completely quality-driven and therefore makes sure to treat all of its ingredients appropriately. All raw dog food products offered by Primal are freeze-dried, eliminating any chances of bacterial growth on the end product. Furthermore, various nutritional supplements in the form of fruits and vegetables are added to all primal raw dog foods, which makes them a highly nutritious option for our pooches. And lastly, all the bones added to primal raw dog food are grounded to powder, making it impossible for dogs to end up getting internal cuts and injuries due to them. 

Contact Primal Pet foods.

Have more questions about raw dog food that you would like to ask? Then feel free to contact Primal Pet foods. 

Email: support@primalpetfoods.com

Toll-Free: (866) 566-4652 (Select option 2) 

Local:  (415) 642-7400 (Select option 2) 

Monday to Friday, 5:30 am through 4:00 pm. PST.

Products offered by Primal Pet foods for dogs

Are you interested in Primal pet foods and have decided to give this amazing brand a try? Well then, let us congratulate you on your brilliant decision. We would also like to tell you all about various raw dog food products offered by Primal Raw dog foods. The reason for that is just like many other quality-driven and top-notch dog food brands; primal dog foods are also aware of the fact that different dogs have different preferences. Dogs have unique differences, and this makes them develop unique tastes. Therefore a single dog food option can’t satisfy the taste buds of all the canines. Similarly, different dogs have different nutritional needs based on their age, breed, and medical history and therefore need different meal options to meet their nutritional needs. 

To cater to all the needs mentioned above of our four-legged pals, Primal pet foods offer a wide range of raw dog food options for our canine friends. Given the sheer size of the range of products offered by this brand, it can be a bit hard for dog owners to decide which dog food option offered by primal raw dog foods is best for their dogs. Following is a general description of all the products offered by Primal Pet foods. 

Raw Frozen Pronto 

In search of an easy and tasty way to meet your dog’s nutritional needs? Well, then let us introduce you to the Raw Frozen Pronto range offered by Primal pet foods. A great thing about the Raw frozen pronto range is that all of its ingredients are ethically sourced, and this range also comes completely free from any additives. All the formulas offered under this range come in bite-sized portions making it highly convenient to portion them, and they also have grounded bones to boost the calcium component of the food. This particular range comes in 6 distinct formulas that are specially made to feel the taste needs of canines. These formulas are as follows.

Raw Frozen Pronto 

Canine Beef Formula

Raw Frozen Pronto 

Canine Chicken Formula

Raw Frozen Pronto 

Canine Lamb Formula

Raw Frozen Pronto 

Canine Duck Formula

Raw Frozen Pronto 

Canine Pork Formula

Raw Frozen Pronto 

Canine Turkey and Sardine Formula

Freeze-Dried Nuggets

Be it humans or dogs, our mutual love of nuggets unites us all, and primal pet foods are well aware of that. That’s why they have formulated an amazing, healthy, and delicious taste of freeze-dried nuggets for our four-legged best friends. These freeze-dried nuggets are highly convenient to serve and have exceptional shelf lives. All dog owners need to do is hydrate the frozen nuggets with warm water, goat milk, or bone broth. What sets freeze-dried nuggets offered by primal pet foods apart from other raw food options is the attention to detail and quality that goes into making these nuggets. Like all other products offered by our favorite brand, these nuggets are made of high-quality and ethically sourced ingredients, making them the perfect pick for your pooch. Following are the different formulas in which these nuggets are offered. 

Freeze-Dried Nuggets

Canine Beef Formula

Freeze-Dried Nuggets

Canine Chicken Formula

Freeze-Dried Nuggets

Canine Lamb Formula

Freeze-Dried Nuggets

Canine Duck Formula

Freeze-Dried Nuggets

Canine Pork Formula

Freeze-Dried Nuggets

Canine Turkey and Sardine Formula

Raw Frozen Patties

Are you a proud owner of a large dog and feel like normal dog food options are insufficient to meet your dog’s dietary needs? Well, then, no need to worry as primal pet foods offer just the perfect product for you and your big friend. Let us introduce you to Raw Frozen Patties offered by Primal Pet foods. All of the patties offered under the Raw Frozen Patties range of this fantastic brand are full of essential vitamins like vitamin A, D, and E. Furthermore, these patties are made by using high-quality meat, and all of the ingredients used are sourced ethically. Free from any additives and full of nutritional goodness, these patties are definitely the best way to take care of your four-legged best friend. Raw frozen patties come in large proportions, which makes them perfect for families with large dogs or multiple dogs. Primal pet foods offer their raw frozen patties in the following formulae.

Raw Frozen Patties

Canine Beef Formula

Raw Frozen Patties

Canine Chicken Formula

Raw Frozen Patties

Canine Turkey and Sardine Formula

Raw Frozen Patties

Canine Lamb Formula

Raw Frozen Patties

Canine Duck Formula

Raw Frozen Patties

Canine Pork Formula

Ending statement

To end this, we would like to tell our readers that in our expert view, there is no better raw dog food brand out there than Primal Raw dog food. This brand is known in the industry for its thorough research when it comes to preparing its food formulas. The Primal brand also prides itself in its attention to quality control, ensuring that its customers receive the same high-quality product every time. This brand has got something for all dog types to give their extensive range of dog foods, which we barely touched upon. Therefore we think that all dog owners should give Primal Raw dog foods a try as Primal raw dog food is completely safe for dogs. This also shows that the answer to “Is Primal raw dog food safe for dogs?” is a big Yes.

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