Can dogs eat Pineapples?

So, it’s a hot summer day, and you are in the kitchen preparing a Yummy and soothing fruit salad with lots and lots of Pineapple chunks in it. After all, the mighty Pineapple is the best fruit for the summer season. Suddenly your dog runs towards you and sit beside you in the hopes of some Pineapple chunks as dogs love exploring new smells and flavors, and they are also ever curious about what we are eating. Moments like these can cause dog lovers and owners to stop and think about questions like can dogs eat pineapples and can dogs have Pineapple without causing any harm to them. 

Suppose you also find yourself in the same predicament and therefore are searching the entire internet for answers. In such a case, this is the perfect place for you as this article is full of information that will help you answer the question of whether “can my dog eat Pineapple” on your own.

Health Benefits of Feeding Pineapples to dogs

Pineapple is genuinely a wonder fruit as it offers a tang yet sweet flavor that is highly relaxing and soothing. Pineapples have a tropical feeling, and we are sure that our canine friends think the same. Pineapple is excellent for dogs on a hot summer day due to the cooling effect that this tasty fruit carries with it. This way, pineapples work effectively in protecting our pooches from the wrath of the sun. But the long list of health benefits of Pineapples for dogs doesn’t end here as the following are some other advantages of feeding Pineapple to our dogs.


Summers can be enjoyable for you and your dog as they give you the ample opportunity to play with your four-legged best friend, spend quality time with him, and bond with him. Your pooch will surely appreciate all of that as he loves you the most, but this doesn’t mean that there are only sunshine and rainbows when it comes to summers (pun intended). A hot summer day can easily make your pooch seriously dehydrated, and this can further lead to several problems such as 

  • Fatigue
  • Stomach related problems
  • Over-heating
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Thick Saliva that can make swallowing food hard
  • Lethargy or lack of energy
  • Depression
  • Collapse

If left unchecked, dehydration can also lead to organ damage and even death. Therefore it’s the responsibility of dog owners to keep their canine friends as far away from dehydration as possible. 

The best way to prevent dogs from dehydration is to keep feeding them food that is high in water content, and Pineapple fits the bill perfectly here as this fantastic fruit is more than 82% water and therefore can act as an excellent remedy and prevention against dehydration. This shows that the answer to “Can dogs eat Pineapples?” is a loud yes.


Respiration is integral for supporting life as it supplies the body with the required oxygen levels to conduct metabolic activities and get rid of the waste and excess Carbon Dioxide from the system. But most often than not, respiration results in producing free radicals of oxygen atoms in the body. These free radicals are hazardous due to their highly reactive nature. These free radicals can react with all parts of the body, including muscles, organs, and even blood, and can cause their cells to disintegrate. All this can be highly destructive for the organs and can even lead to the total failure of organs. Therefore, dog owners should be educated about this matter, and they should know how to tackle these free radicals. 

The simplest way to get rid of these free radicals is by giving your dog ample amounts of antioxidants. Antioxidants are chemical agents that react with free radicals and thus prevent them from disturbing vital organ systems. And fortunately, Pineapples are full of a wide range of antioxidants that can help protect your dog from free radicals. Therefore, we recommend dog owners feed pineapple chunks to their canine friends. This also answers the question that many dog owners have in their mind, which is “Can my dog eat pineapple?”.

Vitamin C

Pineapple is highly beneficial and healthy for dogs, and the most significant proof for that is the abundance of Vitamin C present in Pineapples. Pineapples are characterized as citrus fruits. Therefore, they naturally come loaded with Vitamin C plays a crucial role in ensuring that your dog lives a happy and satisfying life full of laughter. However, Vitamin C is a non-essential vitamin, meaning that canines can produce this vitamin on their own. However, it is still highly recommended that dog owners always add Vitamin C supplements in their dog’s food to protect him from any deficiency of Vitamin C.

Vitamin C acts as a highly efficient antioxidant and serves to protect your dog from any free radicals present in his body. Vitamin C also comes with an anti-aging effect, and that’s why we advise our readers to give their dogs supplements for vitamin C as this will help your dogs stay young and active for very long.  

Lack of Vitamin C can cause several diseases in dogs, and that’s why dog owners should be extra cautious in ensuring that their dogs are not suffering from Vitamin C deficiency. Some of those diseases are as below.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is a significant variant of the most common vitamin B family and is usually called pyridoxine. This vitamin is essential, and that’s why we recommend all the dog loves to make sure that their pooch is getting the required amounts of Vitamin B6 from his diet. Otherwise, your dog might run the risk of suffering from vitamin B6 deficiency, and that can result in a complete halt of all the essential functions of Vitamin B6 in your dog’s body. To provide our valued readers with a better picture, we have included some of the essential functions of Vitamin B6 below.  

Vitamin B6 is crucial in protein synthesis. Without Vitamin B6, the body fails to produce enough amounts of protein fibers, and this results in diminished growth and low muscle mass of the body. That’s why to be sure to provide your puppy with enough amounts of Vitamin B6, especially during his developmental periods. Vitamin B6 also aids in the release of hormones that are responsible for the overall mood of your dog. Without enough Vitamin B6, your dog can easily fall victim to depression and anxiety. Vitamin B6 is also reported to boost brain activities as well as blood production. 

You must be worried about whether your pooch is receiving enough Vitamin B6 and must be wondering about a good source of Vitamin B6. If that’s the case with you, no need to worry anymore as Pineapples are here to save the day. Every chunk of Pineapple is jam-packed with Vitamin B6, and therefore owners are encouraged to feed their four-legged best friends ample Pineapple chunks. This also answers the question, “Can dogs have Pineapples?”. 

What parts of Pineapples are safe for dogs? 

While feeding your dog pineapples, one thing to keep in mind is that not all parts of pineapples are fit to be consumed by dogs. Your dog has a sensitive digestive system, and therefore you should take good care of it. A dog with an upset stomach can be cranky, aggressive, and in immense pain. That’s why always consult your vet before giving your dog something new, as your vet will be able to advise you whether the new food is a good option for your canine best friend or not. 

As far as pineapples are concerned, fortunately, all of the inner flesh of Pineapple is perfect for dogs. It’s the spiky and rough outer surface that you need to be careful about. That outer skin can be highly dangerous for your dog as tiny spikes cover it. Furthermore, the outer skin is tough and, therefore, quite hard to digest. All this can make your dog’s stomach upset, which you should avoid at any cost.

Too much sugar?

One widespread criticism thrown towards Pineapples is that they are too high in sugar content and, therefore, can be harmful to dogs in the long run. Now we wish that we could tell you that this criticism is without any basis, but unfortunately, that’s not the case as there is some merit to this criticism.

Pineapples are pretty high in sugar content, and therefore if your dog consumes them in a substantial volume, this can be harmful to him. 

Over-consumption of anything can be harmful, and this is especially true for sugar. You should keep track of how much pineapples your dog is consuming and talk to your vet about it. Your veterinarian is the one who knows the most about your dog’s well-being, and therefore they will be able to inform you on how much sugar is too much for your pooch. 

You should be extra curious while giving your dog food such as pineapples that are high in sugar content if you are an owner of a senior dog who is not as active as an average dog. For such a dog, too much sugar can be fatal as this can expose him to diseases like diabetes, obesity, heart problems, and organ damage.

Tasty Pineapple treats for your four-legged best friend

Dogs often get bored of eating the same food again and again, and therefore you should keep introducing some interest in your dog’s meal from time to time. Following are some easy yet delicious ways to feed pineapples to your dogs

As Pineapple Juice

Most dog owners often ask them the question,” can dogs have pineapple juice?”. Fortunately, the answer to that question is a huge YES as this is a fantastic way to offer Pineapple to your pooch. Pineapple juice is easy to digest and aids in the fight against dehydration, and therefore, it’s a practical and tasty pineapple treat for dogs. 

All you need to do to prepare Pineapple juice is to peel off the Pineapple as the outer skin can be harmful to your canine. After peeling the Pineapple, cut it into small chunks and just put them in the juicer. To make the drink even more fun for your dog, don’t forget to add a couple of ice cubes to the juice to cool it down if it’s hot outside, or place the juice in the refrigerator for half an hour. This shows that pineapple juice is safe for dogs, and therefore, the answer to the question” can dogs have pineapple juice” is a big yes.

Mixing it in yogurt

A very convenient way to prepare a tasty treat for your dog is by mixing chunks of Pineapple in frozen or cooled-down yogurt. Your dog will love licking this tasty treat all day long. No need to be anxious if your dog is lactose intolerant, as there are a lot of dairy-free yogurts available these days. 

Just cut the Pineapple into small chunks and add them to yogurt; you can also place a few ice cubes in it to keep it cool for long. 

In Puree form 

Another tasty way to give pineapples to your pooch is by making a pineapple puree. The first thing you will have to do is peel the Pineapple carefully and then cut the Pineapple into slices. After that, cut the slices into smaller chunks while ensuring that no skin finds its way into the pineapple chunks. After that, put the Pineapple chunks into boiling water until they entirely melt in it. After doing all this, let the puree cool down and then remove all the extra water from the puree. Be sure to place the puree in the refrigerator overnight to make it cool and easy to lick. 

Freezing the puree is also a good option as this will result in a delicious and cool treat that your dog can lick all day long.

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1,367 thoughts on “Can dogs eat Pineapples?”

  1. Robertbup