Can dog have nuts?

Nuts are enriched with nutrients, so naturally, pet parents want to serve all the good stuff with their dogs. However, there are some things you must ensure they can enjoy and is a healthy and safe snack.

In the coming days, nuts are in huge quantities for cooking, decoration, and sharing purposes. But is it ok to share this tasty human snack with your dog?

As humans, we have an inherent wish to share things that give us happiness specifically food. Make sure to inquire and study about human foods that are safe for pets before serving to pets.

Do you like to share your favorite nutty snack with your dog? Nuts are the best source of nutrients and proteins, however, they are also known to cause serious allergies to humans.

Now the question is can dogs eat nuts? The answer is yes, they can as there are no common allergic reactions in the case of dogs. In this article, we will focus on can dogs eat nuts.

Let’s start.

Can Dogs eat nuts? Are they Safe?

For dogs, many of the nuts stored in our pantries are generally safe however, there are some types of nuts that are harmful to dogs and the moldy nut is also poisonous for dogs.

Whereas a small amount of specified nuts are nut kinds of butter that may be fed safely to your pet, it is the main thing to focus on all the risk factors and potential toxicities.

Though the nuts are small, they contain a high amount of fats and calories. It goes a long way even if offered in a small amount.

Nuts- The Facts

Parents of pets should be vigilant for nosy and curious muzzles if nuts are present around. Nuts are a famous snack and carry a lot of healthy fats and proteins we humans can digest easily. But the case is different for dogs.

Dogs love to eat nuts however, the digestive systems of both humans and dogs are different. The gastrointestinal system can’t digest the calories and high protein present in nuts.

As dogs gobble and gulp down their treats, it is simple to ingest quickly. Besides risking obesity, the large number of calories and fats can cause a problem for your pooch.

Moving down any treat aisle in your locality’s pet store will show many treats having peanut butter.

However, sharing a large amount of nuts in the snack bowl of your pup will be the reason for terrible and worst stomachache or pancreatitis.

What is Pancreatitis?

It is a condition that is because of a higher amount of fats in your dog’s food, resulting in inflammation of the pancreas. The acute form is Pancreatitis is the worst and needs veterinarian care.


It is never a good idea to serve nutshells as they are difficult to digest and cause blockage and choking problems.

The hard shells have sharp corners that might result in perforations in their intestinal tract and lead to surgery.

Safe but beware of possible side effects

The best news is that peanuts are not dangerous to dogs. But it is significant to understand that peanuts are safe to use in cookies and other treats. As they are high in fat.

Dogs can have difficulty in digesting fat. A high amount of fat can lead to an upset stomach like vomiting and diarrhea.

All nuts are not toxic to dogs, however, the nuts are high in fat content. They are also a cause of choking problems.

Which nuts are safe for my dogs?

Now have look at some common nuts and see either they are safe for your dog or not.


When thinking about the nut treat for dogs, the first thing that comes to mind is peanuts.

Peanuts are basically legumes that are generally safe for your dogs. However, like other nuts, they also contain a high ratio of fats and calories that cause gastrointestinal problems. Serving the dog with boiled peanut or unseasoned roasted peanut won’t cause many problems however, large quantities might cause.

A piece of nut as compared to the whole but might be a good idea when sharing tasty snacks with your dog.

Peanut butter

A spoon of peanut butter is a common way for the parents of dogs to give their medication easily. Avoid overdoing as a small amount is fine. Too much causes an upset stomach from the high-fat ratio.

Moreover, focus on the ingredients in the peanut butter or any other butter. Avoid seasonings of any type as they will cause problems in your tummy.


Cashews are safe for your canines in roasted form. They are mostly in roasted form. Raw cashews or in their shells will cause a toxic reaction.

Cashews have a large amount of calories, fats, potassium, spelling problems for dogs intolerant to urinary tract issues.

They are also dangerous and cause intestinal blockage.


Almonds are not good for dogs as the digestive system can’t properly work well. The almonds are not toxic however, they might cause gastrointestinal problems.

The large size and shape could get stuck in the windpipe, intestine, or esophagus.


The common walnuts are English and Black. None of these is completely safe to serve your dog. Other than a choking problem, there is another darker side to these nuts.

They have a poisonous substance known as juglone, secreted by roots of walnut trees. It inhibits the growth of another plant around them and sticks to the shells of the walnut when they fall from the tree.

English walnuts are safe for dogs. They have less amount of juglone, however, contains a large amount of calories and fats and should be offered occasionally and never whole.


Chestnut is safe for dogs however, it is not the best snack for dogs who consume too quickly or swallow whole. Chestnut gets stuck in a dog’s throat.


Dogs can enjoy pecans occasionally. The nuts are not dangerous and your dog will be ok. The amount of fat is also high in pecans.

The Bottom Line

Follow the rule of thumb: don’t overdo it. Limit the quantity of nuts to that of an occasional treat, not serve as a meal. Consult your vet for any questions and concerns related to feeding your dog nuts.

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